Marijuana Growing Videos

December 17, 2011

Cannabis Cup 2011 Franco from Green House Seeds

We talk with Franco about Strain Hunters and look at his cool bike!
January 8, 2012

Jamaica 2012 Reggae Bus Ride

Watch 10 new Jamaica 2012 videos in streaming HD here:
July 12, 2011

TY Expo 2011 Big Buddha

We talk with Big Buddha about seeds and the various strains he has…
February 2, 2010

Urban Grower 44 Topping Cannabis Plants In this clip we discuss a technique used to increase your yield-Topping.Instead of one big cola,
December 24, 2011

Cannabis Cup 2011 Seed Company Hash

More hashish awards..
August 31, 2012

Current Culture Under Current Hydroponic System part 3

We check out the Current Culture Under Current Hydroponic System….
June 3, 2012

TY Expo 2012 Judging the Flame Off

Kieth Wong from Wong Bongs explains the pieces to be judged..guest camera person-Jodie Emery
June 8, 2011

TY Expo 2011 Hotel Room Hot Boxing

We go and smoke out Mark’s hotel room…