How do you know you’re growing top-shelf marijuana? It’s worth an average of $300-475 per ounce retail, although in legalization states like Colorado and Washington top-shelf […]
I never owned a gun until I started growing marijuana and providing it to medical marijuana patients. But when a medical marijuana patient set me so […]
In an interview with the New Yorker released on Sunday, President Obama made perhaps the strongest endorsement by any sitting president on relaxed marijuana laws. Pushed […]
A new state law allowing veterans and others suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to be prescribed medical marijuana will help them live a normal life, advocates […]
Even though 20 states, including Illinois, have passed laws legalizing medical marijuana, swayed in part by thousands of personal testimonies, current research hasn’t nailed down exactly […]
Marijuana growers are figuring out that more and more people are consuming cannabis solvent-made concentrates such as butane honey oil and shatter, instead of buds. A […]
On the global front to legalize marijuana, few places are as visible as the Czech Republic, where sensible MMJ regulation is slowly becoming a reality, thanks […]